🤨 "Trojan horse" for $50 billion: why did the wave of "meme coins" cover the market?

According to Google Trends, the number of searches for memecoins in March 2024 increased 10 times compared to February. At the time of writing, the corresponding asset category on the CoinGecko aggregator has almost 900 tokens, and their total capitalization exceeds $50 billion.

The fundamental value of memcoins is that they allow you to capture the attention of an audience, and then use it for one purpose or another, for example, to launch a new product. The goal of memcoins is to attract "fresh blood" to the crypto market. Just like NFT did in 2021-2022. That is why Vitalik Buterin does not talk about the uselessness of memcoins as such, pointing only to the lack of worthy purposes for their use.

