LISTA is priced at $0.6866 today, experiencing a 1.0% decline from yesterday, but it’s up by 4.9% from last week. The 24-hour trading volume stands at $128,368,406. After breaking the previous support of $0.67, LISTA’s current support is at $0.62, with a consistent support level around $0.54 observed over the last five days. Should LISTA fall below the $0.62 level, we might see a further drop towards $0.56. The EMA suggests that there could be bullish movements on the horizon. LISTA recently recorded a higher low at $0.85 but didn’t manage to break through. The market is quite volatile, likely due to LISTA’s new listing on Binance, and while there was a surge in demand a few days ago, the current sentiment seems to be affected by the broader market conditions.

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