Circle will release a major announcement in Paris, France today ~! !

As a well-known financial technology company, Circle's business involves multiple fields such as digital currency issuance and trading. Among them, USDC (Tether) issued by Circle is a popular stablecoin with a 1:1 exchange rate with the US dollar. Jeremy Allaire, as the co-founder and CEO of Circle, has a significant impact on Circle and the entire cryptocurrency industry.

Circle's major announcement will undoubtedly attract widespread attention from the market. Investors and practitioners will pay close attention to the content of the announcement to assess its impact on Circle and the entire cryptocurrency market. If the content of the announcement is positive and innovative, it will help enhance Circle's brand image and market position and attract more users and partners.

Circle will release a major announcement in Paris, France today, and this event will have an important impact on Circle and the entire cryptocurrency market. We look forward to Jeremy Allaire bringing exciting news and promoting the healthy development of the cryptocurrency industry.

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