Only play Binance on the exchange, and avoid other things. Don't recommend friends around you to play, and don't tell others that you are speculating in cryptocurrencies. If you are not a hardcore player, try not to use a wallet, and don't believe the words of the messy people in the group. Don't use large funds to attack local dog cottages, try not to open contracts. If you really need to open contracts, use small funds to open mainstream currencies such as BTC and ETH, and open low multiples to do more.

The most important thing is to only use Apple phones to speculate in cryptocurrencies, don't use Android, and don't use computers, because it is too easy to install virus plug-ins. Another point is that don't be like me and buy all the funds for cryptocurrencies, which is very stressful. There is also a little bit to install Google Authenticator. The authenticator is offline, which means that the authenticator can be installed on an Apple phone without network and can accept verification codes. After installing the authenticator, hackers can't steal your coins in theory. You need a Google verification code to log in to your Binance account, unless the exchange's internal staff steals it. There is a probability that the wild chicken exchange will steal customer funds! In fact, there are fewer opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle than in the US stock market now. There are many ways to play in the US stock market, many choices, and it is safe to withdraw funds. However, in the past few years, many people in the cryptocurrency circle have achieved financial freedom through the cryptocurrency circle. Some big players have thousands of Bnb, and the cost is 10u to 20u. They have never sold them.