According to TechFlow, Pyth Network announced that Aleno has joined its data provider community. As a DeFi native service provider, Aleno will provide high-fidelity, institutional-level data for Pyth price oracles, improving the security and performance of the DeFi experience.

Aleno is a Paris-based DeFi native asset service company that provides services to DeFi asset managers, financial managers, on-chain companies and institutions. Aleno uses comprehensive market data from active price discovery venues on the chain to provide accurate on-chain prices. Pyth Network combines Aleno's price data with inputs from up to 63 other data providers to create a reliable comprehensive price stream for each feed to support smart contracts.

Currently, Pyth supports more than 540 real-time price data, providing support for DeFi applications in the EVM, Cosmos, Move, Bitcoin, and Solana ecosystems. Antoine Vales, co-founder and CEO of Aleno, said that the cooperation experience with Pyth is of very high quality and will continue to support the development of Pyth and the demand for on-chain data.