If you want to keep people, you need to have your own ability. Either you have a special sense of giving, you are very generous in material matters or you know how to treat others, and you don't ask for emotional value when you give. Or you have a strong personality charm, which makes others feel that you are really a treasure and they are reluctant to leave you.

Or you are humble and easy to get along with, with a good personality and good character, so that if there is a chance, you can even stay with the boss. When the strong are downward compatible, it is very important that you have to be obedient and don't make trouble all day long to prove yourself.

If you have no sense of giving, you only know how to guard your own melons and two dates, and always think that you have good conditions, but in fact, you have no strengths, then others will ignore you, scold you, delete and block you.

In fact, people who can keep people have a good magnetic field. They will not feel that they have spent a lot of effort to keep others, because they are not greedy or ambitious, but just do what they should do within their own cognitive scope.