What news should we pay attention to this week?

Although Bitcoin has seen a long-awaited rise on the first day of July, it remains to be seen whether the trend has reversed.

1. Global Manufacturing and Service PMI

The PMI indexes of the US S&P and ISM will be released from Monday to Wednesday, and the PMI index of HCOB will also be released in Europe.

2. US non-farm payrolls

In addition to the PMI data, the US will release non-farm payrolls data on Friday night. Economists expect the unemployment rate to remain at 4%, and the average hourly wage is expected to increase by 3.9% from June last year, the smallest annual increase in three years.

3. Federal Reserve FOMC meeting minutes

On Wednesday evening, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in June, which can further analyze the attitudes of officials. However, the attitudes of most officials have clearly become conservative in recent months, so it is not expected to fluctuate much.

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