📊 Hong Kong virtual asset ETF performance today! 📊

By the close of trading, the transaction volume of the six virtual asset ETFs in the Hong Kong market reached HK$13.6264 million. How did these ETFs perform? Let's take a look!

💹 China Asset Management Bitcoin ETF (3042.HK)

Transaction volume: HK$6.4 million

China Asset Management Bitcoin ETF leads with an absolute advantage and becomes the most watched virtual asset ETF today.

💹 China Asset Management Ethereum ETF (3046.HK)

Transaction volume: HK$2.1 million

Following closely is China Asset Management Ethereum ETF, which is not as good as Bitcoin ETF, but still performs well.

💹 Harvest Bitcoin ETF (3439.HK)

Transaction volume: HK$886,400

Although the transaction volume of Harvest Bitcoin ETF is relatively low, it still maintains a certain market attention.

💹 Harvest Ethereum ETF (3179.HK)

Trading Volume: HK$1.61 million

Harvest Ethereum ETF performed better than its Bitcoin ETF and attracted more investors.

💹 Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF (3008.HK)

Trading Volume: HK$1.22 million

Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF performed fairly well, showing a solid market performance.

💹 Bosera HashKey Ethereum ETF (3009.HK)

Trading Volume: HK$1.41 million

Bosera HashKey Ethereum ETF also performed well and attracted the attention of many investors.

💡 Summary:

Today, the Hong Kong virtual asset ETF market was active, with a total trading volume of HK$13.6264 million. China Asset Management Bitcoin ETF is far ahead, but other ETFs also performed well. As the market continues to develop, investment opportunities for virtual asset ETFs will become more and more diversified.