There are many types of meme coins, each with its own characteristics. According to their functions and characteristics, meme coins can be divided into the following categories:

Dogecoin derivatives: Inspired by the original Dogecoin, this type of meme coin usually has the characteristics of unlimited or extremely large supply, emphasizing community and network effects. They are dog-themed and are popular among investors.

Animal-themed coins: Meme coins featuring specific animals, such as cat coins, bird coins, etc. This type of meme coin is mainly used for entertainment and social purposes, and the supply is usually limited to increase scarcity.

Imitation coins: Meme coins that are born by imitating popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin imitation coins, Ethereum imitation coins, etc. They have similar names, logos or functions, usually as satire or humor of the cryptocurrency industry.

Community-driven coins: Created and managed by the community, emphasizing decentralization and self-organization. The funds of this type of meme coin are often used for charitable activities or ecosystem development, and have high social value and influence.

Practical meme coins: Cryptocurrencies that have practical uses in addition to being meme coins. They can be used for payment, governance, or participation in decentralized applications, and the supply is usually limited to maintain value.

Useless coins: explicitly indicate that there is no actual use or value, created as a satire or joke. The supply of such meme coins is usually unlimited or extremely large, and investors should be cautious.

Airdrop coins: Meme coins distributed to wallet addresses for free, usually used as a marketing strategy or reward community participation. The supply of such meme coins is usually limited to limit dilution.

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