Based on the market cap chart of $SOL and considering the bullish trend in the overall crypto market, the current market cap of $SOL is approximately $68.31 billion. The chart indicates a potential upward movement.

Here’s a possible prediction:

1. Support Level: The highlighted green area around $60 billion acts as a strong support zone.

2. Current Trend: $SOL has rebounded from this support and is showing signs of an upward trend.

3. Target: If the bullish trend continues, the next significant resistance levels could be around $80 billion and $90 billion in market cap.

Given these factors, if the bullish sentiment in the market persists, SOL's market cap could potentially reach around $80 billion in the short to mid-term. However, always consider market volatility and external factors that might influence the trend.

#pricepridiction #BullishTrendAhead

#CPIAlert #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #SolanaUSTD