Here are a few things newbies should keep in mind!

1. Risks of popular currencies: Popular currencies fall rapidly due to market manipulation, so investors need to remain vigilant.

2. Low-profile and bottom-of-the-line currencies: Coins with real potential are usually not widely publicized and deserve attention.

3. Gradual trend: The overall trend of the currency circle is gradually taking shape. Investors should maintain a long-term perspective and avoid being swayed by short-term fluctuations.

4. Altcoin operations: Be wary of possible sharp declines after a rapid rise.

5. New currency market bubbles: New currencies that rise rapidly after an initial surge may be at risk of bubbles, so be cautious in participating.

6. Deal with fluctuations calmly: Price fluctuations are normal, stay calm and don’t be influenced by emotions.

7. Adjust positions in a timely manner: When a currency’s price rises, adjust positions in a timely manner to avoid greed.

8. "Leek Plate" warning: Currencies with high volatility but lack of real value may perform violently, so beware of high-risk investments.

9. Performance of potential coins: Some potential coins may have a mediocre performance in the early stages of the bull market, but may achieve significant gains as the market deepens.

10. Long-term holding of potential coins: Currencies that are sideways in the market for a long time but have good fundamentals usually have potential, and it is recommended to hold them for a long time.

These strategies and information points help investors make rational decisions in the bull market and avoid potential investment risks.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check out the top tips, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing.

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