#INJ $INJ INJ Today's market analysis:

The 1-hour level shows that the short side is dominant, while the 2-hour and 4-hour levels show that the long side is dominant. Today's focus price is 23.047. If the price is higher than this, the 4-hour level will maintain a bullish trend. The target prices below are 22.802, 22.360 and 22.031. Follow-up exchanges that need to analyze the copycat points 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

For the rebound market, first pay attention to the upper target price of 23.498, followed by 23.814 and 24.269. If the rebound fails to break through these three price levels, the market may continue to fall.

Short-term operators are advised to keep a close eye on the market and pay close attention to market dynamics.

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