#SSV $SSV SSV Today's market analysis:

The current 1/2/4 hour level is strong, and long position holders can reduce their positions appropriately and use profits to adjust their strategies. Short position holders do not need to rush, pay attention to the retracement position of 41.874-42.277-42.696, and the long position opportunity will appear if the callback does not break.

The daily level long and short price is at 38.864, and the long position pattern will be stable if the callback does not break this price. If it goes down, pay attention to the support level of 38.414-37.902-37.296. Follow-up communication for analysis of the copycat point 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Long-term spot strategy suggestions: According to your own capital usage cycle, reasonably control the position, buy small when it drops, and buy large when it drops. Early followers please be patient and avoid changing positions or swing operations easily to avoid missing opportunities.

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