Hello everyone, I am Gu Yue. Today is July 1st, the beginning of a new January and the first month of the second half of the year. Let's take a look at the market trends in the first half of the year. Since January, the market has been advancing all the way. Bitcoin has risen from around 40,000 US dollars to a maximum of around 74,000, an increase of nearly 45%. Ethereum has risen from around 2,100 to a maximum of more than 4,100, an increase of nearly 50%. The peak period was in March. Then the market peaked and fell back in a phased decline. Bitcoin fell to around 55,000 US dollars and Ethereum fell to around 2,800. From May, the market gradually began to pick up again and continued until the end of May. Then in June, the market entered a downturn again. From July, the market gradually moved upward again. At present, Bitcoin is stable at 63,000 and Ethereum is stable at 3,490. The market is gradually tending to stabilize. Stability is only temporary. After the calm, there will be bloody storms. How can we successfully avoid being hurt and how can we make stable profits in this storm?

From the overall situation, there are many positive news, which stimulate the market to rise. In the morning, both Bitcoin and Ethereum have successively rushed up and then stepped back to consolidate. Although the news is good, it does not mean that it will continue to rise. Everyone has accumulated a lot of experience in the currency circle for so long, and they will not be like the newbies who just entered the market and know nothing. As a veteran, I believe everyone knows how important the timing of entry is. In this market, both long and short positions can make profits. It mainly depends on your timing of entry. There is no market that keeps rising, and no children cry every day. As long as you grasp the timing of entry and the timing of leaving the market in time, it will become easy for you to make a profit.

From a technical perspective, the four-hour Bollinger band is already at the top stage, with little space above and limited room for growth. The current market is in a volatile stage. It is unwise to chase high at this time. If you want to continue to rise in the middle of the road, you will definitely usher in a step back. We seized the opportunity at noon and took advantage of the step back to enter the market with short orders to start layout, and take part of the profits in the short term.

Bitcoin is currently priced at around 63,300, shorting target is 62,300, profit can be exited

Ethereum is currently priced at around 3,490, shorting target is 3,440, profit can be exited

#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥