The market is improving, can we still buy at the bottom now?

Buying at the bottom refers to a method of buying in the market during a decline, buying at the bottom in a short-term decline, or buying at the bottom in segments, and waiting for the market to pick up and sell.

Now that the market is improving, it is actually more suitable for buying. Every rebound in the market is an opportunity to buy at the bottom. If you buy in the market, the psychological pressure is the greatest, and you are afraid of whether your choice is correct.

On the contrary, when the market improves, most currencies have not reacted yet. This is still a good time to buy at the bottom. What is needed for buying at the bottom is an experience in the market, and to buy at the bottom for currencies with potential.

Now it is still recommended to buy at the bottom. If you want to buy spot marks, you can find me and give you a reasonable analysis of the market and currency selection!

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