Newbies die from chasing highs, veterans die from bottom-fishing, and experts die from leverage

Ordinary people are advised to remember the essence of the predecessors' summary. In the stock market, we newcomers are often passionate and dream of wealth. Some want to become billionaires through the stock market, some hope to maintain and increase the value of assets through the stock market, some hope to use the stock market as their own ATM, some hope to achieve financial freedom through the stock market, and some hope to achieve "small goals" (Internet buzzwords, "earn 100 million first") through the stock market.

"Newbies die from chasing highs, veterans die from bottom-fishing, and experts die from leverage", which requires each of us, especially small retail investors, to seriously understand, feel, and internalize into our own abilities, and then help ourselves "cross the tribulation". In many cases, it is ourselves who can really help us.

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