🔥Hot news! Odaily Planet Daily reported that in June, the crypto field suffered more than 20 hacker attacks, resulting in a loss of about $176.2 million😱. However, compared with the previous period, this figure decreased by 54.2% month-on-month, and the hackers' "profit" was only $385 million. 📉

Although the loss figures are still staggering, this downward trend is undoubtedly good news. This may mean that our defenses are working, or that hackers are finding more difficult targets to attack. 🛡️

We are always optimistic about Bitcoin. Despite the frequent hacker attacks, the value of Bitcoin has not been greatly affected. 💪This also further proves the resilience and potential of Bitcoin. 🚀

In general, the security situation in the crypto field is still severe, but we have reason to believe that with the advancement of technology and the strengthening of supervision, the future will be better! 🌈