🔥Leading figure in the cryptocurrency circle🔥

🐶Why has he become a rat crossing the street🐶

SEC is going to target leading figures in the cryptocurrency circle again, and the first person that comes to mind is Sun Ge

Sun Ge’s strength lies in his keen insight, just like the dog of the widow at the village head, who can smell where there is💩 from a distance of 100,800 miles

He can be found in every hot spot in the circle, and NFF’s entry is a disaster. Chain games are hot, he brought horse racing, and chain games collapsed across the board. If Mingwen cleared his position when he entered the market, he might still make money.

As long as it is Sun Ge’s project, it is basically taking chestnuts from the fire, and only one in ten thousand can make money.

A shit-tamper in the cryptocurrency circle, a big cockroach in the industry

I hope he can reflect on himself and make some real contributions.


