! ! ! Suggestions! ! ! Opinions! ! !

Cryptocurrency investment guide: How to survive in the liquidity crisis

I believe everyone can clearly see that the current liquidity in the cryptocurrency circle is seriously insufficient.

Whether it is BTC or altcoins, they are in a state of mutual game between funds in the market.

As long as the interest rate cut does not arrive, it will be difficult to start the crazy bull market.

In this case, the following is my personal advice, I hope it can help everyone.

First of all, never go all-in.

You must know that you can't predict how far the market will fall.

Don't say that there is no more room to fall. As long as the big cake wants to fall, all currencies will be hard to escape. Don't deceive yourself.

Secondly, because the liquidity itself is extremely scarce, you must stay away from currencies with low trading volume.

Without heat and trading volume, the speed of collapse of such currencies will be faster than you can imagine.

Furthermore, do not buy currencies with too ugly basic market trends, because you have no idea where it will fall.

Also, do the right thing, reduce the frequency of operations, and strive to improve the accuracy of operations. After all, opportunities are endless but funds are limited.

Here, I wish you all can gain wealth in the cryptocurrency circle!

I have been working full-time in the cryptocurrency circle for 30 days, and the amount of funds has increased from $386 to $2010.

I look forward to even better results in July and August.

In addition, I suggest allocating BTC today, no matter how much, I will personally buy a part.

You are not afraid of being buried even in the altcoins, so why should you be afraid of BTC?

The dealer may not want to make the market too ugly, and there may be a pull-up on Sunday.

The above is just my personal investment views and suggestions, for reference only.

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