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Crypto ATMs are expanding globally, and installations are expected to hit new highs!

In today's wave of digital finance, the development of the cryptocurrency field has attracted much attention.

As of 2024, the installation of cryptocurrency ATMs is growing at an alarming rate. So far this year, 2,564 new machines have been added, and although 2,861 machines have been removed in the past, the current growth trend is expected to make up for this gap.

In the past 12 months, the total number of cryptocurrency ATMs in the world soared 17.8% to 38,279, approaching the record of 39,541 machines set in December 2022.

From July 2023 to May 2024, installations continued to rise, and although there was a slight decrease from May to June, it rebounded strongly in June with a net increase of 377 machines.

Among the many operators, Bitcoin Depot, Coinflip and Athena Bitcoin performed well, with 7,543, 5,057 and 2,756 machines respectively. It is worth noting that more than 82% of the world's cryptocurrency ATMs are concentrated in the United States, and Canada ranks second with 7.7%.

Australia has become a dark horse, with its installation volume surging nearly 17 times in the past two years to 1,107. At the current installation rate, Australia is expected to surpass Europe's 1,584.

In addition, Spain, Poland, El Salvador, Germany and Hong Kong have also joined this trend.

Among the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations in the world, 72 countries already have cryptocurrency ATMs.

The continuous growth of this number indicates that the influence of cryptocurrency is expanding globally, and it also brings more possibilities and imagination space for the future development of the financial field.

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