Recently, many newbies in the cryptocurrency circle have consulted me and asked me whether it is illegal to play virtual currency. I want to say that when you just enter the cryptocurrency industry, you will find that many strange factors are affecting it, and many of them are contrary to it.

I have to say that in our lives, once someone knows that you are playing virtual currency, they will think that you are doing something illegal, especially if your relatives know about it. I don’t need to say that you should have a deep understanding of this. Maybe sometimes you feel that you have no reason to refute it, right? Because every time you see it in the news, it is basically negative news.

Today we will talk about whether it is illegal for individuals to play virtual currency?

First of all, to determine whether an act is illegal or constitutes a crime, we must first clarify whether the act violates the laws of our country. Because criminal acts that are not explicitly stipulated in the law cannot be convicted and punished.

So far, there is no clear legal provision in my country that buying and selling virtual currencies is suspected of criminal offenses. Before September 24, 2011, my country did not prohibit the buying and selling of virtual currencies.

On September 24, 2021, the People's Bank of China and 10 other ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Further Preventing and Dealing with the Risks of Virtual Currency Trading Speculation". The notice clearly emphasized the potential risks of virtual currency transactions and denied the legality of virtual currency transactions.

However, in the second point of the notice, special mention is made of virtual currency-related business activities, including the exchange of legal currency and virtual currency, and between virtual currencies, which basically covers aspects such as coin issuance, trading and derivative investment.

Regarding the doubts of many people, that is, whether virtual currency investment or trading is illegal, the key point in the second point of the notice is "business". This means that the regulation is mainly aimed at virtual currency-related business activities, rather than personal activities.

Therefore, under the current legal framework, individuals simply holding and trading virtual currencies are not prohibited by law and are still legal. Individuals holding and trading virtual currencies generally do not face legal liability as long as they do not involve systematic commercial activities and are not related to other related illegal or criminal activities.

Do you understand what I have said? It is not illegal for individuals to hold virtual currency, but you should not use virtual currency to commit crimes, which is not allowed by law.

Being in the cryptocurrency circle, one certainly hopes that it can bring certain benefits to oneself. This is the purpose of everyone entering this industry in the first place. Therefore, on the premise of obtaining vested interests ourselves, we need to continue to delve deeper, learn and understand it, so that you will have a chance.

friendly reminder:

The risk of freezing the withdrawal of funds in the cryptocurrency circle is high, so we must take precautions in advance. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC