1. BTC and ETH: The market's stabilizing force

In the cryptocurrency market, the status of BTC and ETH is self-evident. As a market vane, BTC's price fluctuations directly affect the sentiment of the entire market. ETH, with its powerful ecosystem and wide application scenarios, has become the focus of investors. With the continuous increase in positions by institutions and large investors, as well as the inflow of ETFs, the potential of BTC and ETH cannot be ignored.

2. MEME concept: the new favorite of retail investors

In the last round of bull market, MEME concept currencies attracted a large number of retail investors with their unique narrative style and social attributes. With the changes in the market environment and the change in the attitude of institutions towards MEME, MEME concept currencies have once again become the hot spot in the market: btc0877. Among them, PEPE and FLOKI, as representative currencies, have been leading the market in terms of growth. For investors who like to chase hot spots, MEME concept currencies are undoubtedly a good choice.

3. Deterministic narrative: seize the track trend

In the investment field, there is a saying called "follow the trend". In the cryptocurrency market, seizing tracks and projects with deterministic narratives can often yield good returns. For example, AI track, RWA track and sol track, etc., these fields have clear development trends and broad application prospects. For long-term investors, it is a wise choice to focus on high-quality projects in these fields.

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