At a recent fundraiser, US President Biden told Democratic donors that he is still confident that he can beat Trump and win the 2024 presidential election! !

Biden's Assurance: Biden participated in a series of fundraisers in New York and New Jersey, where he assured supporters that he would win the presidential election against Trump. He said that although his performance in previous debates was not satisfactory, raising concerns about his candidacy, he promised to work harder in the campaign.

Biden's campaign strategy: Biden defended his performance at the fundraiser and emphasized his differences with Trump in governing philosophy and policies. He may also emphasize the Democratic Party's position on abortion rights, economic issues, etc., as well as his personal experience and ability to deal with domestic and foreign challenges.

Poll data: According to a poll by NBC News, in a hypothetical 2024 election peak showdown, Biden's support rate is 49%, while Trump's support rate is 45%. This shows Biden's narrow lead over Trump in the polls. Biden has the largest advantage among black voters, while Trump has greater support among rural voters.

Fundraising: Biden's campaign team raised a total of $72 million in the first full quarter (i.e., the second quarter of 2023) since he launched his re-election campaign in April, temporarily leading all candidates. These funds mainly came from donations from nearly 400,000 people, with an average donation of $39, and 97% of donors gave less than $200.

Trump's approval rating: Trump's approval rating among Republican primary voters rose from 46% in April to 51%, indicating that his position as the Republican presidential candidate remains solid. Although Trump faces multiple criminal prosecutions, his influence within the Republican Party has not diminished, and he remains the most popular candidate in the party.

In summary, Biden expressed his determination to win the 2024 presidential election in fundraising activities, and was supported by some poll data. However, Trump, as the main rival of the Republican Party, still has a high approval rating, so the outcome of this election is still uncertain.