We have previously focused on #DATA's investment research and analysis. As a long-established technology project, their P2P data transmission protocol plays an important role in the current intelligent era under the background of big data. For example, #AI, #DEPIN, communication, metaverse, etc.

Recently, streamr launched an exciting peer-to-peer video streaming test, which will subvert the current streaming distribution model. Through the decentralized data broadcasting protocol of #DATA, content can be directly shared between devices, thereby effectively reducing video latency and cutting distribution costs.

At present, we are constantly attracted by various video streams. For example, TikTok, such as Youtube. According to statistics, video streaming accounts for 82% of global network traffic, and Netflix accounts for about 15% of the total Internet streaming. On average, each person spends about 3-4 hours a day on various streaming videos or live broadcasts. Streaming video has become an indispensable way of mass entertainment.

Traditional video streaming relies on centralized servers, resulting in high costs and inefficiencies.#Streamrchanges the game by integrating its SDK into video players, turning viewers into active nodes in the distribution network. This means that video streams can be shared directly between devices, reducing reliance on central servers, improving the overall viewing experience, reducing latency, and significantly reducing distribution costs, paving the way for more efficient and cost-effective streaming solutions.

Participation and Rewards:

Streamr will initially be tested in Europe and North America, with plans to expand globally. Early participants can register online to receive an invitation. Participants only need to listen to the live stream through a browser, support and participate in node relays in a P2P manner, and receive $DATA tokens for their contributions.

Streamr will continue to expand and scale up the test from 50 users at the beginning to 500 or more. This move is expected to subvert the traditional distribution model of centralized streaming media and bring about a paradigm revolution in P2P data stream sharing. Early participants will benefit a lot and it is worth looking forward to!