The flow of market analysis is really too poor now. The relationship between market conditions and flow changes is summarized:

1. The flow at the surge level is the best, because everyone wants to know whether it can rise further and how many times it can rise in the end.

2. Then there is the market during the plunge, because everyone wants to see whether the decline can be stopped quickly and whether there is an opportunity to increase positions.

3. Then there is the market during the rise, because everyone has floating profits or is close to the state of recovery, and wants to know whether it can continue to rise.

4. The second is the market during the decline, because everyone sees their accounts gradually shrinking, and they are full of longing for the rise, and they all want to see the analysis they want to see.

5. Finally, there is the end of the decline. At this time, many people are numb. Those who should have liquidated have also liquidated, and those who should have cut their losses have also cut their losses. In addition, there is no fluctuation in the market, so they have no confidence in the market and feel that it is useless to read it, so they are not so active in reading this kind of analysis!