The current price of LISTA/USDT is 0.6574 USDT, showing a 1.86% increase in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour trading volume is 53.11M LISTA, with a high of 0.6934 USDT and a low of 0.6280 USDT. The short-term moving average (MA 7) is currently above the current price, suggesting that the recent trend has been bearish. However, as the price approaches this moving average, it might face resistance. The highest price in the observed period is 0.8379 USDT, and the lowest is 0.5441 USDT. Currently, the price is in a downtrend, which started after reaching the peak of 0.8379 USDT. There has been a noticeable decline in trading volume over the past few days, which can indicate a decrease in buying interest. This decrease in volume might lead to less volatile price movements in the short term. The MA (7) crossing below the MA (25) is a bearish signal, suggesting potential continued downward movement. The immediate support level is around 0.6280 USDT, as marked by the recent low. The nearest resistance level is at 0.6934 USDT, the recent high. If the price breaks through this level, the next resistance will be around the 0.7449 USDT mark. The volume trend suggests that there is less momentum behind the current price movements, which could indicate a period of consolidation. Alternatively, look for buying opportunities if the price finds strong support at 0.6280 USDT and shows signs of a bullish reversal, such as a bullish candlestick pattern or increased buying volume. For short positions, consider shorting if the price fails to break the resistance at 0.6934 USDT and starts showing bearish signals such as a decline in volume or bearish candlestick patterns. Another shorting opportunity could arise if the price breaks below the support level of 0.6280 USDT with increased volume, indicating further downside potential. The current trend for LISTA/USDT is bearish. $LISTA #IntroToCopytrading #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #MtGoxJulyRepayments