
1) Voting Rights Description: $LISTA holders are entitled to cast ballots on a range of proposals, such as those pertaining to project finance, governance, and other important matters.

Guarantees democratic engagement and ecosystem evolution in accordance with the community's collective will.

2) Description of Proposal Rights: $LISTA able to submit recommendations for new DAO initiatives, projects, or modifications.

Benefit: Enables holders to actively influence the ecosystem's development.

3. Information Rights

Access to comprehensive data on the DAO's activities, including as financial records, decision-making procedures, and project updates, is granted to holders.

Benefit: Encourages openness and gives holders the ability to decide with knowledge.

In summary

A variety of advantages and privileges are available to holders of LISTA tokens, including access to unique features, financial incentives, and active involvement in governance and decision-making. In addition to giving holders more power, these privileges and rights also match their goals with the long-term prosperity of the Lista DAO ecosystem. This arrangement fosters an open, democratic, and flourishing platform that is led by the community.