🚀🚀🚀Blockchain enthusiasts, there is something new! Odaily Planet Daily reported on June 25 that the National Audit Office reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the audit of the implementation of the central budget and other fiscal revenues and expenditures in 2023. The report mentioned that with the intensification of anti-corruption efforts, corruption methods have become more invisible and refurbished, and corruption behaviors such as information technology and regulatory loopholes have become more concealed, and new types of corruption and hidden corruption have begun to emerge.

🔍🔍🔍The report cited an example that a department-level cadre of a financial regulatory department used his position to support a specific private enterprise to improve the competitiveness of the industry for a long time, collected huge sums of money and equity, and concealed the source of private enterprise transfers through "technical processing" such as first deposit and then withdrawal at the same outlet, borrowing relatives' bank accounts, and virtual currency transactions, showing typical technical characteristics. It seems that virtual currency transactions have also become a hidden means of corruption.

😎😎😎We are always optimistic about Bitcoin. Although this virtual currency transaction was used for improper behavior, we believe that the essence of Bitcoin and blockchain technology is to create a more fair and transparent financial system. Let us look forward to the future development of blockchain technology!