Always associate with excellent people, associate with people who can continuously achieve results in a certain niche, and associate with people who are good at making money.

Potential stocks for counterattack are rare. Don't bet on them with your chips, expecting them to turn from ugly ducklings into white swans. It is harder than climbing to the sky for a person to be reborn and cross the class.

Therefore, only associate with people who are already excellent. They must be capable, wise, knowledgeable, smart, rich, and able to make money. They are honest, kind, positive, and know how to be grateful and give back. . .

The more ordinary people are, the more they like to hang out with people who are similar to them, play with people who are worse than them, pretend to be cool, and be complacent. So they become worse and worse.

People should tend to be advanced and socialize upward. (#币安合约锦标赛 #IntroToCopytrading $BTC