Alright, let's dive into the latest $BETA news and price analysis.

As of today, $BETA is trading at $0.05351, showing a significant 24.732% increase in the last 24 hours. The market cap currently stands at $44,635,039.246044. The recent trend for $BETA indicates a change in direction, moving upwards after a prolonged downtrend. The 10-day moving average (MA 10) at $0.04487 suggests a potential shift in momentum.

On the technical side, $BETA has recently experienced a 126% increase in one daily candle, indicating high volatility. The key support zone is at $0.0770; if it holds, the price could potentially pump again. However, if the price fails to maintain this level, it may drop towards the lower support zone of $0.0670 - $0.0630.

In terms of market sentiment, there's a mixed bag. While some analysts are bullish on $BETA's potential for further growth, others are cautious due to the recent volatility and the possibility of a double top rejection.

Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries a high level of risk, and you should only invest what you can afford to lose. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!