Golden Finance reported that according to Alex Thorn, head of research at crypto asset management company Galaxy Digital, the vast majority of creditors he has spoken to said they will be paid in kind, that is, in the form of cryptocurrency rather than fiat currency. They will also mainly hold these assets. In addition, many of the top holders who have ownership of Mt. Gox assets are well-known in the Bitcoin community, including early Bitcoin investor Roger Ver, Blockstream co-founders Adam Back and Greg Maxwell, and Bruce Fenton, former executive director of the Bitcoin Foundation. Alex Thorn said that based on conversations with institutional investors who are about to be paid, "we don't think this group of people will sell in large quantities." However, Glover, managing director of Barclays Bank, disagreed, believing that creditors may still sell in large quantities after years of waiting, and they have the opportunity to lock in huge gains, "some people will obviously choose to take the money and run."