Starting from July 24, WLD will usher in a large amount of linear unlocking, unlocking 6.62 million WLD tokens per day, equivalent to about 18 million US dollars, and the unlocking will last for 730 days. Including community unlocking, initial development team unlocking and investor unlocking.

The previous circulation of WLD was only more than 100 million tokens, with a total of 10 billion. With the support of a wave of Ai market, it directly rose to the position of 11U, an increase of 10 times. Now it is ushering in a huge amount of chips unlocking. The key is to unlock 6.62 million pieces per day, worth 18 million U. This volume cannot be taken by retail investors, and the dealer will not take it. It can be foreseen that even if WLD rebounds in the future, it is for shipment, so there is no need to pay attention to it.