Today's most notable news about Solana relates to several important developments:

1. **Solana ETF Launched**: VanEck filed an application to launch a Solana-based ETF, which aroused a lot of interest in the market. This fund could significantly boost Solana's price if approved, with the price expected to reach $1,300


2. **Network update to address congestion**: Solana has released a new network update, 1.17.31, aimed at addressing the congestion issues the network has faced in recent months. This update is expected to improve the network's performance and increase its ability to process more transactions faster [[❞]]

3. **Solana price has risen significantly**: Solana has registered a 800% rise over the past year, outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum in this regard. This rise reflects the growing demand for the network and its technology, which strengthens its position in the digital currency market [[❞]]

These developments indicate a promising future for Solana with the potential for significant gains in the market if these positive trends continue.