Happy weekend fellow currency lovers!

After bottoming out and rebounding yesterday, the white market continued to fluctuate upward, reaching a maximum of around 61,000. Then it started in the evening, with a 100-point high-level market control phase, with fluctuations of less than 200 points in one night. This is indeed a bit outrageous.

The overall bullish thinking has not changed. The current shock is that the hourly level contraction has reached the limit in the accumulation stage. It seems that the golden cross will continue to rise near the 0 axis of macd bonding.

The pie is over 60,900-60,600, and the pressure is 61,500

Ether 3375-3365 is more, pressure is 3450

Detailed operation of pig leaf speed to enter the planet

#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #BTC☀ #美联储何时降息?