📢 The ECB has just released their first report on the digital Euro! 😲 But wait, there are some features that are quite worrying. According to crypto investor Daniel Batten, it will be easier for central banks to monitor us, freeze our accounts, and even limit how much we can keep in our accounts. Is this a step towards a cashless society or surveillance state? 🤔

The ECB promised that privacy and data protection are their top priorities. However, some observers point out that although the digital Euro has “offline functionality” that offers a level of privacy like cash, it still requires a central bank database to function, thereby eliminating the privacy that banks promise.

But don't worry, the decision on whether to issue a Euro CBDC will only be made after the EU legislative process is completed and the preparatory phase ends. So, let's wait and see! What do you think about this? Come on, discuss it in the comments column! 💬
