
Shocking! The CRV investment of the altcoin whale has experienced ups and downs, and the huge losses are staggering! ?

There is a mysterious whale or institution that sells a variety of altcoins, causing market turmoil.

However, after the liquidation of the CRV founder, this mysterious force bought up to 22 million CRVs through 3 addresses at an astonishing average price of $0.34, with a total price of $7.49M, which can be described as a gamble!

But what is unexpected is that perhaps because he is extremely pessimistic about the future market, just 9 hours ago, he transferred all 22 million CRVs (worth $6.45M) to Binance.

This operation is like a boulder falling into the water, instantly stirring up thousands of waves!

Due to his crazy selling behavior, the price of CRV fell rapidly from $0.293 to $0.275, a drop of 6%, just after he transferred to Binance.

In the end, his current round of CRV investment ended in tragedy, with huge losses of $1.04M and an astonishing loss ratio of -14%!

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