Many people in this circle have a common psychological phenomenon. They all think that after buying or purchasing a certain token, they only have the beautiful vision of price increase in their eyes, but turn a blind eye to the possibility of price decline! Just like some people buy a certain currency at a price of $1, and instantly immerse themselves in the dream of earning $10, $20, or even $100. This false sense of pleasure is like a fog, blinding their rational thinking. Reality is always cruel. When the price of the token begins to develop in the opposite direction, fear comes like a tide, and they can only choose to cut their losses and leave the market. The principal is swallowed up in these fantasies again and again. It's like a crazy gamble. Players are driven by greed and fantasy, but forget the unpredictable market. So, wake up! Don't be swayed by fantasy anymore. We must recognize the situation and ourselves. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What target to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control? If you don’t understand, click on my avatar, follow me, and read more in the homepage.

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