In the entire circle, there have been constant media reports of all sizes regarding "frozen cards", which have attracted the attention of financial professionals of all sizes. After all, fund security is the top priority in the cryptocurrency circle.

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

What is coming will eventually come. Compared with previous years, this year's "card freezing wave" is particularly severe.

Due to the special properties of cryptocurrency, the cryptocurrency circle is definitely a natural hotbed for black money. Therefore, many people outside the circle began to use USDT as a settlement unit. In the process, there are many criminals who specialize in telecommunications fraud, Ponzi schemes, gambling and pig-killing schemes, and began to use cryptocurrency to conduct illegal operations.

The various chaos derived from this phenomenon have long been taken seriously by the authorities. Once the supervision is tightened, the cryptocurrency circle will definitely be the first to be affected.

Therefore, “freezing cards” is just the beginning, just like the first frost after the winter. Behind the multiple “freezing cards”, once the human, material and financial resources are in place, it is very likely that the currency circle will be vigorously rectified.

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

If you just freeze a card that you don't use often, it may not be that serious. But if you freeze a frequently used card directly as shown in the picture above, your car loan, mortgage, and even your daily life will be affected. You will have no place to cry.

What's more, not only the OTC card for deposits and withdrawals has been frozen, but also all payment media under it, bank cards, WeChat, and Alipay have all been frozen. Even the subway ride code has been frozen because of the credit limit. not available.

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

Once a large-scale card freezing incident occurs on a trading platform, it will not only cause asset losses, but more importantly, it will directly dampen investors' enthusiasm for continuing to invest in cryptocurrencies.

So, in view of this aggressive "card freezing wave", what should investors pay attention to?

1. Why is the bank card frozen?

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

There are two main reasons for bank cards to be frozen, one is bank freezing and the other is judicial freezing.

The main reason for the bank freezing is that the user's behavior has triggered the bank's risk control system. The main reason for the judicial freezing is largely related to black money.

During the wild growth period, there are always various black interests. The funds of cryptocurrency users are likely to be actively or passively involved in the "black industry chain" at some link of OTC deposits and withdrawals, and they are completely unaware of it. Once this happens, all payment media of users will face freezing.

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

2. As a retail investor, how can you avoid being frozen?

The best way is not to deposit or withdraw money!!!

If you have a special reason to withdraw money, try to choose a Blue Shield merchant, insist on checking the real-name qualifications, and ensure that the real-name information is consistent, which is relatively safer.

And when withdrawing money, it is best to choose a dedicated card. Even if it is frozen, the impact will not be significant and it will just be a card that does not hinder your life.

The "card freezing wave" in the cryptocurrency circle is coming: multiple people's bank cards have been blocked, how to effectively avoid it?

3. What impact will the depreciation of the US dollar and the “freezing of credit cards” have on the cryptocurrency circle?

With the occurrence of the "freezing wave", USDT has been "locked" by a large number of coin users. They cannot sell it for RMB and can only face the risk of continued depreciation. Under this situation, some USDT holders may convert it into Bitcoin or other currencies, and the price of Bitcoin will be supported in the short term. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC