Trump's Bitcoin "Made in the USA" speech has also caused some controversy. Some analysts believe that this may intensify the competition between the United States and other countries (Trump bluntly said that he does not want to fall behind China) in the field of cryptocurrency and damage the global development of the industry.

In addition, recently, Trump also said that if elected, he will take action to make Florida the center of cryptocurrency in the United States, and promised to provide various preferential policies and regulatory support for cryptocurrency companies to attract them to develop in Florida. Trump believes that Florida's low tax environment and friendly regulatory environment, coupled with its subtropical climate and infrastructure, are suitable for becoming an ideal cryptocurrency center.

Trump's cryptocurrency policy vision has not only received enthusiastic support from the industry, but also won the favor of investment guru Cathie Wood. Wood said that during Trump's presidency, the US economy had experienced a long period of prosperity and the unemployment rate hit a record low. After the Biden administration came to power, the economy has begun to decline, inflation has remained high, and many policies are not conducive to business development.

She believes that if Trump is re-elected, it will bring a more favorable economic environment to the United States. Trump has always supported innovation and business development, and his policies are also more friendly to emerging technologies such as cryptocurrency. In contrast, the policies of the Biden administration and SEC Chairman Gensler appear too tough and conservative.

Therefore, Wood said she would vote for Trump because Trump is the best choice for the US economy. He will bring greater development space for technological innovation and the cryptocurrency industry, which will benefit the entire US economy. In other words, Trump's cryptocurrency policy is expected to become a new driving force for US economic growth.

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