! ! ! ! Breaking news! ! ! !

! ! ! ! The exchange has collapsed! ! ! ! ! Be careful to avoid it! ! ! !

Recently, many fans have reported that they encountered many unfair treatments when trying to withdraw money from the gete platform. The gete official seems to use false reasons to maliciously obstruct fans from withdrawing money, and even transfer the coins recharged by platform users to other exchanges for malicious market smashing operations.

Specifically, when certain projects are at a high level, fans try to withdraw money, but the get platform will deliberately delay, claiming that the user's account is at risk and requiring the signing of an anti-money laundering agreement.

This process may last for several days, causing the user's digital currency to be frozen for a long time. Once the gete platform accumulates a sufficient amount of digital currency, it is possible to sell it at a high price on other exchanges, and then release it to users when the market is down, which may harm the interests of users. Want to know more first-hand information and in-depth analysis of the currency circle? Hurry up and click on the homepage to view the introduction, which will bring you the latest market analysis and high-quality potential currency recommendations every day

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