I have talked about why holding coins is like being a widow before. Here is an addition, or how to deal with this situation.

But in most cases, many people sell their positions when the market falls or goes sideways. The first reason is that they need funds for daily life. As a result, they have already invested all their positions. Before investing, they thought about making a little money or taking a rebound and then selling the profits to maintain their living expenses, but they were trapped. As a result, they cannot maintain their daily living expenses. They can still hold on for a day or two, but they may be shaken after ten days or half a month. As for a year or two? That will not kill the leeks. Therefore, they will start to sell their positions slowly, and they will only sell a small amount at first, just to maintain their lives. This leads to the second point.

The second point is that in the process of being trapped, facing the endless new things and new hot spots in the circle, they suffer from the lack of principal and are unwilling to miss the so-called "opportunity". In addition, they are extremely anxious because they are trapped and lose money. At this time, it is very easy to have an idea in their mind: sell all their positions and invest all their positions in a certain project, thinking that they can not only make up for the losses of the previous losses, but also make money. As a result, nine out of ten times, you will have to stand guard at high multiples again. After several cycles, there may not be much principal left.

Solution: If you have a stable income in reality, you can avoid it. After all, with a source of income, daily living expenses can be maintained. When facing the assets trapped in the circle, you can also cover your position and lower the average price. If there is no source of income in reality, all the existing funds are all in the currency circle and are trapped. Then find a class to support yourself. Then stay away from the currency circle temporarily, for the reasons mentioned in the above two points.

The above is limited to secondary mainstream currency players. All of them are trapped, which means that the overall market is not good. Under this background, the profit and loss ratio of frequent operations is very poor.

Therefore... find a class (shift your attention outside the circle). By the way, help me find one, thank you.

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