Chef "speculated" Bitcoin and defrauded others of 2.4 million yuan (from

Tang was originally a chef in Changsha, Hunan. Once he heard from his friend Xiao that Bitcoin trading in the Philippines could make money quickly, so he followed him to the Philippines and joined the fraud gang.

After Tang arrived at the company, he quickly mastered the fraud process: pull people who are interested in or already speculating in stocks into the WeChat group of the company's lecturer team; then, invite stockholders to the live broadcast room, where the "lecturer" in the live broadcast room will broadcast Bitcoin speculation on the platform (actually controlled by the company in the background) and show the profitable orders, so that stockholders believe that Bitcoin speculation is more profitable than stock speculation; when stockholders transfer large sums of money to the platform to speculate in Bitcoin, the live broadcast room and trading platform will be closed for various reasons.

In August last year, Tang used the above method to defraud the victim He of 2.4 million yuan.

Are there any friends who come here from the stock market? Be careful of being deceived by the teacher! #内容挖矿