I made tens of millions, and then was slandered by unscrupulous colleagues and bloggers. I was not in a good mood recently. My mother thought I was in a bad mood because I lost money in trading. She always felt sorry for me and tried every way to save money. It was very painful to see me. For so many years, I have been concentrating on watching the market and summarizing and posting articles for 16 hours a day. I haven't been with her properly. I have made so much money but I have never relaxed for a day to take her on a trip. I am getting old. I have given all my most precious time and love to trading. It is true that I have made tens of millions, but the concept of money has long been blurred. I have invested so much youthful and passionate trading. I have always wanted to leave my name in the history of trading. So it doesn't matter whether I have money or not. What I care about is honor. For the dog who maliciously spread rumors and slandered me, I think I should not be angry and make the people who love me worry, but I will not let him go. Justice in the world always needs to be advocated by oneself. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划