Big news! Ethereum ETF postponed! The copycats are having a hard time!

The SEC has returned the S-1 form to potential Ethereum ETF issuers with a few comments, asking them to fix the problem and resubmit.

According to the SEC, it means: the information you submitted is not enough, so it will not be approved this time. I will give you a few days to prepare the information and submit it to me before July 8! I will take a look at it then, so go back and wait for my notification!!!

In other words, it will take some time for Ethereum's ETF to be approved! The copycats are having a hard time!

Open the information in the currency circle, and it's all the SEC doing things. Now whoever has money, the SEC will launch an investigation! To put it bluntly, it's a disguised form of collecting protection fees!

The recent market still has to fluctuate, a process of washing the market, try not to operate with a full position! Try to clear out the coins named by the SEC and wait to avoid being locked in at a high position in the later stage. Keep some U at any time! Wait for the opportunity to kill with one blow! If you have any questions about the homepage, please contact me

#SEC败诉 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划