Sesame has recently been in trouble again

Gate was accused of opening a casino in its exchange, luring investors through fictitious digital currency investment projects, and actually engaging in illegal gambling activities. This behavior has greatly questioned the legitimacy of the platform.

The platform was exposed to use telecommunications fraud funds for settlement, and the amount of money involved in these black money was huge and the source was unknown. This not only made the financial situation of the exchange opaque, but also caused great difficulties for customers to withdraw funds.

Due to the company's illegal activities, the public security organs completely sealed off the platform, and all customers' withdrawal channels were blocked. Many major customers were even taken away by the police, causing investors to fall into extreme anxiety and uneasiness.

It is reported that the founder of has begun planning to run away with the money after the scandal was exposed. This news has exacerbated investors' panic and worries, fearing that they may lose all their investments.

As the investigation deepened, the fraudulent behavior of the platform became more and more apparent. The platform manipulated customers' funds and set a series of traps in the trading system, making it almost impossible for investors to make a profit. previously claimed to have a high level of risk control and regulatory measures, but in fact it concealed serious risks from investors. Investors were deceived by false propaganda and promises, resulting in a large number of investors' losses.

As the scandal spread,'s accounts on major social platforms were blocked one after another. This further limited the platform's ability to spread and increased the difficulty for investors to protect their rights.

Affected by this incident, investors sought ways to protect their rights, but because the company's accounts were seized and the public security department intervened, they found that protecting their rights became extremely difficult. The company refused to provide clear information, making it impossible for retail investors to effectively trace the flow of funds.

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