In the bull market, is it to attract retail investors or to kill them all?

In the deep ocean of the market, the relationship between the bull market and retail investors is always full of controversy and contradictions. Some people firmly believe that retail investors are the source of the bull market. Without them, the market will lose its vitality and vigor; while others insist that the birth of the bull market is actually due to the despair and departure of retail investors.

Yesterday, the debate between the two old Dengs was like two torrents colliding in the market. One side firmly believes that retail investors are the cornerstone of the market, and their participation and enthusiasm have injected endless vitality into the bull market. The other side insists that the departure of retail investors is a harbinger of the advent of the bull market. Because at the bottom of the market, only despair is deeply engraved in the hearts of retail investors, and the pain of cutting meat can be exchanged for a new round of vitality and prosperity.

As an investor who has experienced three rounds of bull and bear baptisms, I am more inclined to the latter view. Because in my eyes, the starting point of the bull market is often accompanied by the despair and departure of retail investors. Only retail investors themselves can deeply experience this feeling of being abandoned by the market. However, it is this despair that has laid the groundwork for a new round of market rise.

The market is always full of cyclical cycles, which is an unchangeable natural law. When the price of pie climbs to 77,000, 80,000, or even 100,000 again, those retail investors who once left the market may be attracted back in the new bull market atmosphere. They may cheer at the new highs, but they will never forget the despair and struggle they once had in that trough.

Therefore, let us look at the market with a calmer and more rational attitude. In the bull market, don't blindly follow the trend, let alone indulge in short-term prosperity. We should deeply understand the laws of the market and seize every investment opportunity. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the ocean of the market and welcome a better future. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #IntroToCopytrading