Urgent notice to all friends! 🚨

Recently, we have heard a lot of shocking voices. Many fans and friends have reported that they have encountered extremely unfair treatment when trying to withdraw money from the gate platform! The gate official seems to be keen on making up all kinds of ridiculous reasons and obstructing users from withdrawing money in every possible way. This is simply a great disrespect and fraud to our users!

What is even more infuriating is that they actually used the coins that our users have worked hard to recharge to wantonly smash the market and sell them frantically on other exchanges in an attempt to manipulate market prices. When the price drops to a low level that they are satisfied with, they will hypocritically "unlock" the user's account and release the stuck coins.

What's more, once your project is at a high level, gate will be like a ruthless "gatekeeper", blocking your withdrawal request, and then telling you that there is a "risk" in your account and asking you to sign an inexplicable "anti-money laundering agreement". And this process often takes up several days of your precious time, making you anxious, watching your coins being ruthlessly stuck there, unable to move.

When they feel the time is right and have accumulated enough, they will sell your coins to other exchanges at high prices without hesitation, and then, when the price plummets to a low level, they will return the locked coins to you, and let you take over at a low price and suffer huge losses!

This behavior is extremely unfair and fraudulent to our users! Please be vigilant, operate with caution, and protect your rights!