📣📣Good news! Kroma, a Superchain-based L2 solution, announced that their TGE (Token Generation Event) is coming soon, and announced the airdrop qualification criteria. 🎉🎉

Airdrop targets include eligible Kroma OG, Galxe Kroma Quest participants, WEMIX community members, gamers, Kroma Guardian, Spectrum Contributor, KCU Contributor, Tx Generator, and Superchain Contributor. 🎁🎁

In order to determine the KRO token airdrop qualification and allocation, a snapshot will be taken before the TGE, and the specific time will be announced later. 📸📸

Although some activities have ended, Kroma reminds everyone that users can still get airdrops by participating in the products currently being offered on Kroma, such as Spectrum, KCU, and Pro Gamers Season 2. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

In addition, Kroma announced changes to its token economics in early June, including increasing the total supply of KRO tokens from 50 million to 1 billion, expanding the community airdrop allocation to 17%, allocating more KRO rewards to ecosystem contributors, and postponing the Token Generation Event (TGE) to mid-third quarter. 🚀🚀

We are optimistic about Bitcoin and look forward to Kroma's performance! 💪💪