Big news! Just learned that this is definitely good news. Although the price has not yet responded, it is a decisive victory for the entire industry. Just today, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that @binance's secondary market sales of $BNB are securities. At the same time, this case can also have an impact on Ripple.

In layman's terms, the sale of#BNBin ​​the secondary market is no longer defined as a security, and Judge Torres's view in the Ripple case that the sale of $XRP on exchanges is not a security has been recognized again.

It is important to note that Ripple has not yet completely won the lawsuit against the SEC, but only dismissed part of the lawsuit. Secondly, the SEC's lawsuit that BUSD is a security and the claim for compensation, as well as the claim for simple earning coins, were all dismissed.

The good thing about this ruling is that the sale of tokens in the secondary market, including exchanges, is very likely no longer considered a security, but may be considered an investment contract.