In this line of work, mentality is always the first priority. I think the difference between investment friends and us is not just the difference in professional skills, but the biggest difference is mentality. Most investment friends miss many opportunities because of hesitation and doubt about real money, and they do not do well. I often see many customers doing very poorly because of blind operations. I hope everyone can remember that you don’t have enough chips to play every guess! In today’s capital market, there are good and bad people. Many analysts act recklessly for their own selfish interests and make orders for the sake of brushing orders. Bringing many customers to the "death row" is against conscience. Everyone must be cautious on the road of investment. Once the wrong choice is made, it will be a bottomless pit. Combining years of market experience, I will reveal to you the following three types of teachers who will never choose.

1. Heavy positions lead to death

Some teachers don't tell you to control your positions, but let you fight with heavy positions. As a senior analyst, I can tell you responsibly that heavy positions are like luck. Maybe you will make more money if you are right once, but if you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet. In the end, it will definitely be a dead end. Many people don't even know what forced liquidation is after the explosion, because their teachers will not tell them at all. A customer once asked one of our teachers: "If you shout an order, can I not operate?" I think this question is ridiculous and pathetic. First of all, we need to understand what the teacher's function is? The teacher mainly provides investors with market information of the day and conducts relevant analysis, provides investors with professional knowledge training, answers investors' problems encountered in trading, and helps investors with risk warnings and control. The reason why it has evolved into "shouting orders" is that many investors are busy with work and lack trading knowledge, and they rely too much on teachers, which gradually evolved into shouting orders.

So does the teacher have the right to command you? If I call an order, do you have to do a certain number of lots? Undoubtedly, he has no right. Why did he ask this question? Because he said that his previous teacher told him to place an order of 6 lots when he did not have much funds. He felt that the position was too heavy, so he questioned it, but the teacher actually said, "Then you can do it yourself in the future." I just want to say that if you meet such a teacher, you should stay away from him as soon as possible. But I have also seen many teachers who will constantly emphasize positions and light positions to investors. If you meet such a teacher, you should still cherish him.

2. Frequent Trading

We have talked about the teacher's money-making model above, that is, he will get a commission only if you trade, so of course he hopes that you trade as much as possible. So some teachers will constantly ask you to enter the market, leave the market, enter the market again, and leave the market again. This leads to the final loss. In fact, this is what many friends call "brushing orders".

A good teacher will tell you to "watch more and do less" when you are not sure about your analysis. He will not let investors stand in danger for a little "petty profit". He will tell you to "operate cautiously" before there is big data, that is, he will call you orders, basically once or twice a day, and sometimes even tell you to wait and see for a whole day. In my opinion, this is a more responsible teacher. As for the teacher who keeps asking you to trade, of course, we cannot generalize. There may be a suitable market in his opinion, but more of it is for his own interests. So if you want to lose a lot, avoid frequent trading.

3. Keep urging for additional funds

You may often see news about how many investors lose hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in a short period of time. This is the third point I want to talk about. Some teachers will constantly urge you to increase your funds after you have made a heavy loss, telling you that if you add another few hundred thousand, you can make back your investment by taking you to make two orders. They will even encourage you to borrow money when you say you have no money. It is these industry scums that have led to so much negative news about currency investment. Of course, if you have more capital, the risk rate can be controlled within a certain range, and it is indeed easier to make a profit than with less capital. So some teachers explain it to you clearly at the beginning, which is very correct. It is also advocated by Jiang Yi personally. If your funds are less than 10,000 yuan, unless you are really interested and want to learn, it is not recommended that you invest.

We cannot guarantee how much money we can make, but at least we can guarantee that we can keep the principal first and then seek profits. The principal comes first. Do not make unstable orders, do not enter the market if the price is not reached, do not hold a heavy position, and do not resist orders. Light position stop loss risk control is our consistent operating concept. Before making a profit, do a good job of risk control to avoid major losses. As long as the funds are growing steadily and continuously, that is what we want. As long as you have strong execution and the dream of wealth.

When investing, you must first deeply understand the principle: high risk, high return. These six words are not only reflected in investment, but also in work. If you take out more than half or even all of your capital to invest, and then lose money and blow up your account, no matter who you are, I think your heart will be greatly devastated. The cryptocurrency market is different from other financial investments. Without professionals to analyze the market trends and without the relative technical analysis level, how many retail investors will not lose money if they rashly enter the market? But you must find a way after losing money. Failure is the mother of success. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC